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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ergonomics 2, Employee Everyone effected by Cost of treatment, Primary prevention Methods of Service Delivery Pamphlet, Impact Decreased QOL Social, Prospective Cohort Study Inclusion Criteria Full-time desk employees who are symptom free for ɞ months prior to this study, Ergonomics Intervention Program PURPOSE Tertiary Prevention, Ergonomics Intervention Program PURPOSE Primary prevention, Primary prevention Methods of Service Delivery In person 1:1, Webinar Limitations 1. Compliance 2. No personal interaction, Webinar Benefits Versus Other Methods 1.Larger target audience 2. Easy to distribute and use 3. Easily accessible via web with no time restraints 4. Able to re-access tool at any time 5. Consistency of program delivery 6. Easy to share 7. Requires fewer facilitators to implement 8. Less expensive 9. Can easily to translated into different languages, Impact Decreased QOL Financial, WMSD have incidence, Improper workstation caused by 1. lack of awareness of ergonomic principles 2. lack of employer incentive to implement ergonomic program 3. spatial constraints of office 4. bad personal habits, Primary prevention Methods of Service Delivery Group Training, Ergonomics Intervention Program Doc Project Methods, WMSD have prevalence, Primary prevention Reason: Greatest potential for increasing QOL, Employee in terms of 1. Increased health insurance costs and copays 2. lost wages, WMSD such as 1. Nerve Compression (CTS) 2. Shoulder Impingement 3. Low Back Pain 4. Neck Pain (most common) 5. Tendonopathies 6. Bursitis 7. Myalgia 8. Regional Pain Syndromes, WMSD have Impact, Prospective Cohort Study Purpose Ergonomic education thru Webinar is an effective means of primary prevention of neck pain in full-time desk workers